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Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) service

Please note that anyone attending the Luton Treatment must now wear a face covering

This Community Nurse led Service provides a quick, same day and easily accessible service for all GP’s within Luton NHS area to refer patients who they suspect may have a DVT.

Who can use the service

Anyone aged 18 and above who is registered with a Luton GP and that meet the referral criteria for assessment of suspected DVT at the Luton Treatment Centre.

The service is provided from:

The Luton Treatment Centre
Vestry Close

Monday to Friday 8am – 7pm - for assessment of suspected DVT. Last patient appointment at 6pm.

An on-call nurse is available to administer Low Molecular Weight Heparin (LMWH) on the weekend and bank holidays for patients that require an ultrasound scan to confirm/exclude a DVT.  This service is provided between an agreed time with the patient between 10am and 12noon on Saturday and Sunday at the weekend and also the bank holidays.  

Click on the links below for the patient information leaflets which you may find helpful.
0437 - DVT Clinic Information Leaflet
0613 - Deep Vein Thrombosis  
0614 - Discharge Advice

Service provided include:

  • a dedicated mobile number for the use of Luton GPs who need advice about referral criteria
  • a same day appointment for patients referred by GPs with suspected DVTs
  • if a DVT cannot be excluded via the D.Dimer blood test at Luton Treatment Centre, patients will be referred to the Luton and Dunstable Hospital for an Ultrasound scan.  All patients are offered the appropriate treatment following the scan.

Exclusions to the service:

  • Patients that do not meet the referral criteria for assessment of suspected DVT at the Luton Treatment Centre.
  • Patients suspected to have a Proximal DVT
  • Patients suspected to have Bilateral Leg DVT’s

All the above patients require referral to the Luton and Dunstable Hospital via the GP Liaison Service

Referrals to this service can be made by:

  •  Luton GPs only - calling the DVT dedicated mobile on 07890 011349

Contact details:

Sarah Munroe - Blood Services Lead    or 

Raquel Nakila, Community Anticoagulant Nurse Specialist

Tel:  0333 405 0040     Mob:  07890 011349 (DVT dedicated mobile)

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"Seen very quickly. The nurse was very understanding, approachable and empathetic"  - Luton community paediatrics