For additional resources/links/guidance and advice - click here
How to contact us
Parents, service users and professionals can call our health visitors and school nurses on 0300 555 0606
Specialist services, including epilepsy, asthma, children's community nursing, special needs school nursing, children's rapid response team 0333 405 0079.
For children's continuing care team, please call 0333 405 3133.
Parentline - a confidential advice and support text messaging service for Luton parents and carers of children aged 0-19 years - 07507 331886
ChatHealth - a confidential health advice text messaging service for 11-19 year old's living in Luton - 07520 616070
Speech and language therapy - we provide this service across Luton and Bedfordshire.
Local Offer - browse the local databases to see all services for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or a Disability (SEND) in your area.
NDD Pathway - click on the links for information about the Neurodevelopmental Assessment Pathway for your child in your area.
Remember to call 111 for health related advice or dial 999 in an emergency.
Child health clinics
Information about child health clinics can be found on the Flying Start website.
BLMK - Beds, Luton and Milton Keynes Integrated Care System
Local services can provide better and more joined up care for patients when different organisations work together in this way. Find out more here:
The BLMK ICS also has a wide range of information for children & young people and pregnant mothers available on their website, including where to get help if you need it. Click here to get started.
Transition Services
For information relating to transition from children's to adult health services, click here.