Contact our Bedfordshire & Luton Health HUB number on 0300 555 0606 for more advice and information on support available.
Nutrition Diet growth – including healthy start vitamins and healthy diet and nutrition.
For information and guidance on how to measure or weigh your infant/baby or child - click here.
Sleep, Toileting, Behaviour, Play and Stimulation – direct parents support websites:
Parentline - a confidential advice and support text messaging service for Luton parents and carers of children aged 0-19 years - 07507 331886
ChatHealth - a confidential health advice text messaging service for 11-19 year old's living in Luton - 07520 616070
Hearing and Vision - these services are not currently taking any referrals. Any concerns refer to Health Visitor for review.
Health HUB number: 0300 555 0606
Universal parenting support –
Flying Start parenting helpline: 07501 722556 (10am – 3pm weekdays).
Communication (Speech and Language Team) – SALT service are continuing to accept referrals from professionals via email. Telephone or video appointments are offered to families.
Pre-Referral Advice and Support – Talking Takes Off amended pathway.
For support with speech and language:
Parenting - Introduce Five to Thrive Principles and children’s centres – direct parents to flying start website: For any universal parenting support direct parents to the Flying Start parenting helpline: 01582 368245 (10am – 3pm weekdays).
Free Virtual courses and workshops are available for parents living in Luton with under 5’s
Safety in the home and outdoors - Home safety; to include pets and car safety*
‘Safe at Home’ – normal home service has ceased. Any general support and advice regards home safety refer parents to ‘Safe at Home’ helpline: 07553348485 or email: