Babies/infants under 2 years of age
How often to weigh your baby
It is normal for a baby to lose some weight in the first few days after birth. Your baby should be weighed in the first week as part of their assessment of feeding – this is often completed as part of your midwife contact.
Most babies get back to their birth weight by 2 weeks of age. This is a sign that feeding is going well and that your baby is healthy.
If you baby's weight has increased or dropped crossing 2 centile lines (the blue or pink curved lines on the weight chart), please contact the Health HUB ( 0300 555 0606) and they can review your this with you.
Weighing your baby too often may cause unnecessary concern; the list below shows how often, as a maximum, babies should be weighed to monitor their growth. However, most children will not need to be weighed as often as this.
For information and advice on Nutrition and Diet - click here
For information on any weigh-in clinics available run by local Children’s Centres, please visit Central Bedfordshire Council’s children’s centre website where you will find telephone contact details for each of the centres.