Local Resources
ChatHealth, our school nurse text messaging service: Students from year 7 and above can access Chat Health.
Text 07520616070 to speak with a school nurse for any emotional support or health advice (Monday – Friday 9am – 4.00pm, except bank holidays) www.cambscommunityservices.nhs.uk/luton/chathealth
Parentline: Parental text support service
Text 07507 331886 to speak to a Health Visitor (Monday – Friday 9am – 4.30pm, except bank holidays). www.cambscommunityservices.nhs.uk/luton//parentline-luton
Luton sexual health services: www.lutonsexualhealth.org.uk
TOKKO youth space: www.tokko.co.uk
Tel: 01582 544990 Luton LU1 2QP
Youthscape: www.youthscape.co.uk
ERIC, the children’s bowel and bladder charity: www.eric.org.uk
Luton Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service: www.camhs.elft.nhs.uk
Luton sexual health service: www.lutonsexualhealth.org.uk/ 01582 497070 the Mall 1st floor Luton LU12LJ
Total Wellbeing: www.totalwellbeingluton.org/03005554152