What we do
The pharmacy technicians receive referrals from health or care professionals to support patients with their medications. If you are a patient or family member of someone who would like support from us, please speak to your GP or other health professional who will be able to refer you.
During the current COVID-19 situation, we have suspended all domiciliary visits. However, we are still able to support patients remotely with the following issues:
- Address the issues for stock piling of medications
- Provide coping strategies for non compliance: ie provide visual aids, inhaler techniques, compliance aids etc
- Liaise with carers/GPs/Community Pharmacy
How to refer to our service
Please refer to us using this email address pharmacy.techs@nhs.net or task the team pharmacy techs under district nursing in Systm1.
Referral criteria:
- High impact (frequent flyer) patients
- Medication related hospital admissions
- Long stay patients
- Refusal of care packages resulting in patients self-medicating incorrectly
- Big pharmacy burden / polypharmacy
- Complex medication regime
- Act as an interface between primary and secondary care
- Recent hospital discharge on complex medication
- Medication consolidation
- On high risk medication (i.e. anti-coagulants, insulin, opiates)
Where our service is based
The Poynt
Units 2-3 Poynters Road
LU4 0LA.