If you are new to research and would like to understand more you can access some NIHR online training here:
‘What Is Health Research’ : Explore the world of health research and the role volunteers play in transforming treatments and improving health care.
‘Improving Healthcare through Clinical Research’: Find out how medical treatments are discovered, tested and evaluated to improve healthcare for all.
North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust Library Service (based at Hinchingbrooke Hospital and Peterborough City Hospital) is available to support anyone at CCS with carrying out projects, case studies and research. Open the section below to read about the support this service offers.
Approvals Process: Thinking about developing your own research project?
There are many types of research activities, each requires different levels of support and approvals.
All research studies taking place in the Trust require registration and permission from the medical director to be undertaken. This is in addition to that obtained from a University ethics committee.
Certain types of studies will require full Health Research Authority (HRA) approval to ensure the interests of our patients, staff and organisation are safeguarded. Use this Decision making tool to help you decide if your study needs HRA approval. (http://www.hra-decisiontools.org.uk/research/)
Please contact the research team at ccs.gen-cambs-researchhub@nhs.net about how to obtain approval for your project.