Quality and safety underpin everything we do at Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust, and we consider our responsibility to support and care for a diverse population of service users to be a top priority.
We're dedicated to maximising the things that go right and providing the highest possible care whilst minimising the things that might go wrong for the people who use our services. We aim to prevent and reduce risks, errors and harm but acknowledge that these do sadly happen and are committed to learning and improving from these.
As part of our efforts to provide the highest standards of care and showcase that quality is at the heart of everything we do, we've adopted the Care Quality Commission’s (CQC) framework into our ‘Our Quality Way’ programme to support services and staff to contribute to the delivery of high-quality care.
On the left you'll find more details about some of our key initiatives that support these aims.
Click here for more information about our last CQC inspection.