Results provided by Alison (WORK-PROM study Chief Investigator), and on behalf of all of the study team. CCS MSK Services supported this study in 2020.
The aims of this study were to evaluate the psychometric properties of measures of presenteeism, and contextual factors affecting presenteeism, for people with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), osteoarthritis (OA), axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA) or fibromyalgia (FM), for use in clinical practice and research. To this end, we completed the data collection in 2020 – and have now analysed, published and have made freely available the seven measures tested. The measures are in the supplementary materials for the articles and also will be available for download shortly at my University of Salford website address:
- Workplace Activities Limitations Scale
- Arthritis Work Spillover Scale – renamed as the Long Term Conditions Work Spillover Scale
- Chronic Illness Job Strain Scale - renamed as the Long Term Conditions Job Strain Scale
- Work-Health-Personal Life Perceptions Scale
- Perceived Workplace Support Scale
- Work Transitions Index
- Workplace Accommodations, Benefits, Policies and Practices Scale
In addition, as planned we tested the Rheumatoid Arthritis Work Instability Scale (RA-WIS) in fibromyalgia, finding this to be suitable for group level use (e.g. research studies) but not individual clinical use, and thus recommend a WIS specifically for FM is developed and tested in future.
We have completed one secondary analysis study from the dataset (Brown et al, 2023) investigating the work limitations experienced by working people with these four conditions, and what factors contribute most to such limitations.
In future, we aim to complete a further secondary analysis study about work accommodations needed by working people with these four conditions. This will likely also be submitted to Musculoskeletal Care, and will be open access if accepted.
Publications list: all are open access and can be identified at the DOIs stated , if you wish to read further.
Hammond A, Tennant A, Ching A, Parker J, Prior Y, Gignac M, Verstappen S, O’Brien R. (2023). Psychometric testing of the British-English Workplace Activity Limitations Scale in four rheumatic and musculoskeletal conditions. Rheumatology Advances in Practice. 7(1):rkad028. DOI: 10.1093/rap/rkad028
Brown T, Hammond A, Ching A, Parker J. (2023) Work limitations and associated factors in working people with rheumatoid arthritis, axial spondyloarthritis, osteoarthritis or fibromyalgia. Musculoskeletal Care 21: 827-844. DOI: 10.1002/msc.1760
Hammond A, Tennant A, Ching A, Parker J, Prior Y, Gignac M, Verstappen S, O’Brien R.
Psychometric testing of the British-English Long Term Conditions Job Strain Scale, Arthritis Work Spillover Scale and Work – Health-Personal Life Perceptions Scale in four rheumatic and musculoskeletal conditions. Musculoskeletal Care published online 11.5.23 DOI: 10.1002/msc.1774
Hammond A, Tennant A, Ching A, Parker J, Prior Y, Gignac M, Verstappen S, O’Brien R. Psychometric testing of the British-English Perceived Work Support Scale, Work Accommodations, Benefits, Policy and Practices Scale and Work Transitions Index in four rheumatic and musculoskeletal conditions. Musculoskeletal Care Published online first 19.8.23. DOI:10.1002/msc.1807
Hammond A, Tennant A, Brown T, Prior Y, Ching A, Parker J. Psychometric testing of the Rheumatoid Arthritis Work Instability Scale in employed people with fibromyalgia. Musculoskeletal Care DOI: 10.1002/msc.1829 (in press)