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Commissioning for Quality and Innovation (CQUIN)

CQUINs are extra quality improvement goals that we can agree to aim for, there is a financial incentive to achieve those aims. 

The CQUIN framework is intended to reward excellence, encouraging a culture of continuous quality improvement, whilst delivering better outcomes for patients. 

The Trust has worked with its commissioners – the people who ‘buy’ NHS services on behalf of local people - to develop a number of CQUIN targets for completion.   Each Trust’s CQUIN scheme must contain mandatory national CQUINs along with those agreed between CCS and our local commissioners.

Luton 2019 – 2020

This financial year there are two national CQUINs.

1. NHS Staff Health & Wellbeing (National 1 year CQUIN)
Improving the uptake of flu vaccinations for front line staff within providers.

2. Preventing ill health by risky behaviours- alcohol and tobacco (National 2 year CQUIN)
This includes screening, providing brief advice and referral

For further information on national CQUINs see link:

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough 2018/19

The Trust is committed to the following national CQUINs:

  • The introduction of health and wellbeing initiatives covering physical activity, mental health and improving access to physiotherapy for people with MSK issues. The CQUIN asks for the achievement of a 5 percentage point improvement in two of the three NHS annual staff survey questions on health and wellbeing, MSK and stress.
  • The CQUIN asks for improvement in the uptake of flu vaccinations for front line clinical staff with a target of 75% before the end of January 2019.
  • The CQUIN asks for timely identification of patients with sepsis in emergency departments and acute inpatient settings. 

The Trust is also committed to the local CQUIN titled Participation and Engagement in all Clinical Working Groups relevant to the Sustainability and Transformation Programme (STP). Active and on-going participation and engagement by system leaders (clinical and non-clinical) in the preparation of the Sustainability and Transformation Plan and the on-going work of the STP Clinical Working Groups.


  • Luton 2016/17 CQUINs

  • Cambridgeshire CQUIN goals 2015/16

  • Luton CQUINs 2015/16

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