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Adult Clinical Nutrition & Dietetic Services

About the service

We are a team of registered Dietitians working with adults across Luton and South Bedfordshire. We assess, diagnose and treat nutrition-related disease

A dietetic service is also provided to bedded units including Mental Health units and Archer Rehab Unit. We see Learning Disability clients across Luton and County wide Bedfordshire  – click on link

We use our knowledge of food and nutrition to prevent and treat symptoms of diet and nutrition related problems. We help motivate people to make positive changes with food choices.

We provide support and advice for a range of nutritional, gastrointestinal and feeding problems.

Some of the reasons you may be referred to our team are:

  • Malnutrition ?Undernutrition(underweight)
  • Dietary advice for gut problems (e.g. constipation, irritable bowel syndrome)
  • Therapeutic diets e.g. gluten-free
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Allergies/Intolerances (excluding multiple/complex allergy)
  • Obesity (limited to a co-morbidity requiring dietary treatment)
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Diabetes with controlled glucose/sugar levels
  • Disordered eating
  • Home enteral tube feeding ?check with Fran for input

To ensure the best standard and continuity of care, we work closely with GP’s, community nurses and other health care professionals.

We also provide support and training for other health care professionals and community workers.  This increases knowledge and skills, and ensures consistency in the provision of evidence-based information about food and nutrition.

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Patient Experience
"Seen very quickly. The nurse was very understanding, approachable and empathetic"  - Luton community paediatrics