How can I help my child sleep better?
Unfortunately there is no quick and easy way to fix sleep issues, but with routine, consistency and patience, things can improve.
Where do I start?
Find the right time to start
Sleep training is often hard work and can be exhausting - but then so is not sleeping so it’s definitely worth a try. Try to find a time to start at a time that is right for you. Can you get some back up (partner, other family members)? Would it work better for you to try this during school holidays? If your child is in pain or unwell, sleep training is more difficult.
Set the Scene
First try to make your child’s room as suitable for sleep as possible. Consider black out blinds if the room isn’t dark enough . Consider having a small nightlight if your child is afraid of the dark. Avoid having a TV in your child’s room: it’s much harder to control their TV use if it’s in their room. Have their soft toy/blanket or anything else they want to cuddle in bed, near by.
Design a positive, consistent routine
- A predictable home environment and routine helps children feel safe and secure. This is often even more important for children with developmental difficulties.
- Plan your bedtime routine in advance and make sure that everyone involved in childcare is aware of/ and understands the importance of sticking to the plan. If your child has difficulties with language or understanding, consider using pictures to support bedtime (some are attached to this leaflet).
What makes a good routine?
Successful sleep routines need to be regular- a part of everyday life, and predictable – things happening in the same order every time. Prepare for bedtime by turning off any electronic devices (TVs, smartphones, tablets etc) at least one hour before bedtime, Many sleep routines involve some ‘quiet’ play, bath-time, clean teeth, toilet, sharing a book, then cuddles and lights out. Using a consistent ‘bedtime phrase’ to signal the bedtime routine is over and it is time for sleep is helpful. ‘night night, I love you’, or ‘I love you, time for sleep now’ is often used, but make sure you do it every night!
How do I choose a routine that works for us?
Each child is different and you know your child best. If there are some activities your child does not enjoy, for example, bath-time, consider moving these to a different part of the day.