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An Introduction to Neurodiversity and Neurodevelopmental Differences (Disorders)

The idea of Neurodiversity is a concept that’s been around for some time.

It means that brain differences are just that: differences.  Conditions like ADHD and Autism are not “abnormal”, they’re simply variations of the human brain.  We do however also talk about Neurodevelopmental disorders which cover a range of conditions for children and young people. There is therefore a difference between Neurodiversity and Neurodevelopmental disorders.

Coloured speech bubbles displaying the types of neurodiversity

So for neurodiversity a child or young person with learning and thinking differences, the idea of neurodiversity has real benefits. It can help children and young people, and their parents, make sense of their challenges as differences, rather than as deficits or disorders. However we do still refer to disorders as it can help to work out what support can be in place for a child or young person based on what problems they might be facing.

What is Neurodiversity

  • What is Neurodiversity

  • Neurodiversity and learning and thinking differences

  • Differences vs Disabilities

  • The Make-up of Neurodiversity


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How to use the Neurodiversity Support Pack

All the pages in this pack can be translated into your native language as text or audio via our Recite feature which you will find at the top of each page.  The translated page can also be downloaded.  More information about using our translation service can be found by clicking here.

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