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Waiting Times - Luton and Bedfordshire Children's Services

Waiting times for the Bedfordshire & Luton Community Paediatric Service at 
The Child Development Centre and The Edwin Lobo Centre

Bedford Borough Parent Carer Forum, EPIC Luton Parent Carer Forum and SNAP Parent Carer Forum meet monthly with Bedfordshire Community Health Services to discuss the key themes and issues the Parent Carer Forums are collating from their members. The role of the Parent Carer Forums is to be an independent strategic voice for their members, we have a support and challenge role, we are solution focused and we work together to co-produce improvements.

All three forums have consistently raised their concerns about the length of the waiting times to have a first appointment and progress the relevant clinical pathway that meets a child/young person’s presenting need. We have worked together to find solutions to ensure parents are being supported whilst they are waiting and that schools are communicated with, to ensure they are putting support in place for the child and not waiting for a clinical outcome before doing so.

We have previously co-produced a Diagnostic Support Pack, a service update infographic (which is updated monthly) and we are currently working together on an early support workshop for parents who are on a waiting list. We are pleased to hear that by raising concerns and working together Bedfordshire & Luton Community Paediatric Service will imminently receive a substantial short-term investment of additional funds to increase the capacity of appointments and significantly reduce the number of children waiting.

With demand currently exceeding the capacity of the Bedfordshire & Luton Community Paediatric Service, we are also working together with urgency to find long term solutions and investment for continued improvements.   


Bedford Borough Parent Carer Forum

EPIC Luton Parent Carer Forum

SNAP Parent Carer Forum (Central Bedfordshire)

Bedfordshire and Luton Community Paediatric Service

The Luton and Bedfordshire Community Paediatric Service provides assessment, advice, signposting and diagnosis and medical support for children. The information below is designed to give you an quick and simpler overview of our waiting times. 

Translatable information on the above image reports can be found here:  Waiting Times for Community Paediatric - Translatable Page
comm paeds wait times
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"Seen very quickly. The nurse was very understanding, approachable and empathetic"  - Luton community paediatrics