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Autism / Co-existing ConditionsAutism - Co-existing conditions

Unlike ADHD, where there is a specific medical treatment available, there is no specific medical treatment for autism spectrum conditions. Much of the support is aimed at understanding how best support families with behaviours that challenge and to ensure that families have access to the most appropriate communication strategies for their child. In children who might have a learning disability, again there are no specific treatments, the aim would be to ensure that the educational setting are providing the right support and that parents are supported in ensuring that their child can access everyday activities at a level that is appropriate for them.

There are however, some situations that medication can help.

Sleep is an example, where in addition to behavioural strategies, medications such as melatonin can make a considerable difference. Please see the section on sleep and medication for further details. This should also be discussed with your GP and/or community paediatrician if you have one.

In some cases, children who have tics might need behavioural support but in small number of cases, they may benefit from medication. This is a very specialist area and would require discussion with your GP and specialist clinicians to find out if this is the right thing for your child.

Mum Justina and daughter sitting at a table smiling at each other

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All the pages in this pack can be translated into your native language as text or audio via our Recite feature which you will find at the top of each page.  The translated page can also be downloaded.  More information about using our translation service can be found by clicking here.

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"Seen very quickly. The nurse was very understanding, approachable and empathetic"  - Luton community paediatrics