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Positives of Neurodiversities
Positives - header


Neurodiversity states that conditions that affect people’s brains and how they develop, such as autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), dyslexia, and other learning differences, are simply differences in the way our brains work and develop. There are lots of positives to these differences in the way our brains work. This page includes some videos of young people, parents, carers and clinicians from Luton and Bedfordshire talking about their views of the positives of neurodiversity.

Words and Terminology

 Different words may be used in relation to neurodiverse people (people with differences in the way their brains work and develop). These include:

  • Neurodevelopmental Disorder (NDD)
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Clinicians may sometimes need to use these words, as they are used in clinical guidelines and manuals.

Neurodiversity is a word that was first used by Judy Singer, a sociologist and author, in 1998.

Neurodivergent is another word that is used for people who are neurodiverse.

Neurodiversity in several different languages

Sharing through lived experiences.

Click on the links below to access some experiences.

I am autistic - an anonymous article written by one of our clinicians and who is autistic.
Positive Role Models who have diagnoses - by Isma
Exploring Autism - by Isma

 Positives of Neurodiversity Rap
By Hugo Brown, aged 17

Hover over the images below for inspirational quotes from famous people about living with a neurodiversity condition.

Famous People Grid

We are a group of unique young people from Luton, and we all have special educational needs and disabilities.  Watch our video below.

What do you think of this Neurodiversity Support Pack?- please let us know if there is anything we can improve on or if you have any suggestions for content by clicking on this link

How to use the Neurodiversity Support Pack

All the pages in this pack can be translated into your native language as text or audio via our Recite feature which you will find at the top of each page.  The translated page can also be downloaded.  More information about using our translation service can be found by clicking here.

 A jargon buster of commonly used words, phases or acronyms can be found by clicking on this button:  Links to help and support from other organisations can be found by clicking on this button:

The information on this page forms part of the Neurodiversity Support Pack. To go back to the main page click on this button:

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"Seen very quickly. The nurse was very understanding, approachable and empathetic"  - Luton community paediatrics