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Taking Care of the Rest of the Family

So many different experiences, mixed feelings and changing feelings, challenges and rewards, we couldn’t possibly start to presume how our parent carers and young people feel one way or another, but we can acknowledge feelings are there. Children and young people with additional needs require that little bit more, and so you do too!

It’s so very easy to get caught up in the throes of daily life that taking time for yourself can be just another thing too much, so often, it’s the first thing we drop.


We are like a watering can. We water our plants (our family) throughout the day, giving them water allWatering purple flowers with a green watering can day long. But if you don’t top it up, eventually the water runs out and it dries up making it harder to water your plants let alone yourself! So this is when looking after you comes in.

It doesn’t have to be big gestures or anything time consuming (although that would be great), but all you need is just 3 minutes of tiny habits to get into — standing in the shower for a moment at the end of it, or listening to your favourite song. 

See this link for more ideas – 3min Youtube*

Family life hacks

Here are some simple ideas:

Table of family life hacks

Also, consider other children and young people in the family. Look at our Talking to Siblings page.

We also have links to young carers in the local areas which may be useful to tap into - Further help and support.

There are many places available to talk to groups in the local areas, as well as national services. Useful contact information and resources.

National - support, including a listening ear service, and information for families with children with additional needs. Family Lives offers a confidential and free* helpline service for families in England and Wales (previously known as Parentline). Please call us on 0808 800 2222 for emotional support, information, advice and guidance on any aspect of family life.


Faces support group (asd/adhd)
Tel:  01234 270601

Autism Bedfordshire
Tel:  01234 214871 (support, courses and groups)

What do you think of this Neurodiversity Support Pack?- please let us know if there is anything we can improve on or if you have any suggestions for content by clicking on this link

How to use the Neurodiversity Support Pack

All the pages in this pack can be translated into your native language as text or audio via our Recite feature which you will find at the top of each page.  The translated page can also be downloaded.  More information about using our translation service can be found by clicking here.

 A jargon buster of commonly used words, phases or acronyms can be found by clicking on this button:  Links to help and support from other organisations can be found by clicking on this button:

The information on this page forms part of the Neurodiversity Support Pack. To go back to the main page click on this button:

 Jargon Buster icon  Help and Support Icon  Go Back Button

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