The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Health System Transformation Team has been formed as a cross-system team to look at how the significant challenges Cambridgeshire and Peterborough’s health economy faces can be addressed.
The system’s key challenges have been identified as follows:
- The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough health system is not financially sustainable and if nothing is done, it will face a financial gap of at least £250m by 2018/19
- The population of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough is increasing and there will be a greater proportion of older people in 5 years’ time
- Demand for mental health services continues to increase
- There are significant levels of deprivation and inequality that need to be addressed
- People are living longer and health outcomes are generally good but there are significant differences in people’s health across our system
- Our health system has multiple stakeholders.
The programme team is being hosted by Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Clinical Commissioning Group but is a cross-system programme involving:
- Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Peterborough and Stamford Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Hinchingbrooke Health Care Trust
- Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust
- Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust
- Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
The work of the team focusses on the following areas, with ‘prevention’ incorporated into the work of all of the workstreams.
- System Design (incorporating elective and non-elective care)
- Children and maternity
- Mental health
- Older people and vulnerable adults
- Primary care
There are four phases to the System Transformation Programme:
- Agree Framework and Baseline
- Design and Propose
- Change and Construct
- Implementation 2017-18, 2018-19
Partners are currently in the ‘Design and Propose’ phase where through engagement with stakeholders we are developing ideas only about what could change; which will be followed by a period of engagement with stakeholders and the public.
More information on the System Transformation Programme can be found here.
Click here to read a Frequently Asked Questions document relating to the System Transformation Programme.