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SEND - special educational needs and disability

Do you have a disability or special health need?

If you have a health or developmental condition that is impacting on everyday life, this is often referred to as SEND (Special educational Need or Disability)/ SEN or an additional need. It may be that from birth you have faced some extra challenges or these may have become more obvious as you have grown older.

Your additional needs could be developmental, physical, learning, behavioural or sensory. Your needs might be easily met with a regular plan of care or something more complex. You may have an EHCP (Educational, Health Care Plan) Some additional needs may continue throughout life and you and your family may require support from a number of services.

All children and young people should have access to the right services, at the right time, and this is to make sure you can reach your full potential. This includes as you approach adulthood and transition into adult services.

Making SEND everybody’s business Cambridgeshire, Peterborough City Councils and NHS have a shared vision that children and young people-

‘Dream big, achieve well, have choice, control and lead happy, fulfilled lives’ 

What you can do to help

  • Looking after yourself is important for good physical and mental health. This includes your personal hygiene and mental stimulation.
  • You may have an additional need that means you rely on someone else to help you. Talk or communicate to them about what you want and need and be active in planning your care.
  • Self-care is individual to you and how you chose to relax may not be another person’s choice. It also does not have to be expensive and might be anything from time to read, exercise, bath to having a day out, seeing friends or time away.
  • It’s ok to think about yourself and ask for help.
  • Take time to talk to a trusted adult, such as a relative, teacher, support worker or one of our team using Chathealth, our confidential text messaging service.
  • We can offer advice on a range of health topics such as; emotional health, substance use, relationships, healthy eating, bullying or looking after your physical health.
  • We also have more information on our website about the topics above, which can be found here: ‘Making healthy choices’‘mental health’‘sleep’ and ‘life skills.’
  • Visit: NHS.UK for the NHS 5 steps to mental wellbeing.

Who can help?

For more advice about your child's vision and hearing, speak to one of our team. You can Call Us on 0300 029 50 50 or Text Us on 07520 649887 to start a conversation. **Monday to Friday 9.30am - 4.30pm excluding bank holidays**.

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Delivering excellence in Children and Young People’s Services:
a partnership between Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust and
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust.
Funded by Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough City Council

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