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Preparing for adulthood and life skills

From the age of 16 onwards you might be taking on new responsibilities or further developing the ones you have. This could be things like managing your own money, earning a wage, applying for training, education or university or getting ready to live away from home.

We understand that this can be both exciting and worrying for young people and you might have questions about how to build on your life skills.

Below are some useful links to more information on things like banking, travelling and safety.


What you can do to help

Banks and finance

Opening a bank account can be worrying and a little confusing. If you visit a bank, staff will be able to talk you through the process. You will need some identification but they will explain all of this to you. Sometimes you can open an account online. Looking after your money well is an important life skill but it’s straight forward once you have learnt how.


It can be hard to decide what you would like to do after secondary school and choosing what to do next can be difficult. More information about opportunities from age 16 onwards and planning for employment can be found below.


Citizenship refers to how an individual interacts with the society they live in and involves things like law, civil rights, accessing state provided services and voting in elections.

You might have been taught about these topics in some of your lessons at school during PSHE, tutor time or careers fairs.  Teachers in school or college will be able to talk to you, where you can get more information or you can visit your local library for resources around training and education.

Please visit our "Keeping Safe" and "Getting Help" sections for more information.

Who can help?

For more advice about life skill choices speak to one of our team. You can Call Us on 0300 029 50 50 or Text Us on 07520 649887 to start a conversation. **Monday to Friday 9.30am - 4.30pm excluding bank holidays**

Older children (aged 11-19) can ask advice from a school nurse by texting our confidential ChatHealth service on 07480 635 443.

Need more information?




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Delivering excellence in Children and Young People’s Services:
a partnership between Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust and
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust.
Funded by Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough City Council

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