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Your changing body 13+

By the age of 13 it is likely that you have experienced some changes in yourself both physically (your body) and the way you feel about things (emotions). This is your body’s response to the hormones which are being produced inside you and is a normal part of teenage development called puberty. Puberty usually takes place between the ages of 9-14 and can last up to 4 years. If you have worries or concerns about puberty or these changes you can speak to a school nurse about this by texting into our messaging service for a confidential (in private) conversation.

Somethings you might experience are:

  • Click here:

It is normal at this age for you to think more about sex and relationships. The age of consent (the age which you are legally allowed to agree to sexual intercourse) in the UK is 16, however, from the age of 13 onwards you can access services for sexual health advice to discuss relationships and contraception. You can find more information about this on our relationships and sexual health page and the links below.

What you can do to help

During puberty and teenage years your skin will produce more oils and sweat, to manage this it is important to maintain good hygiene. This includes washing hair and body regularly, wearing clean clothes and putting on deodorant. If you do not have the products you need to do this at home you can speak to someone at school or text your school nurse.

Hygiene is also important during periods and more information and top tips for managing blood flow, period pain and different sanitary products (pads, tampons and cups) can be found here

It can be a difficult time and you might experience strong and intense emotions (feelings) such as sadness or anger, you might find relationship with your parents/carers, teachers and other adults are different and the things you enjoy might change. Talk to a trusted adult about the changes you are experiencing and any worries you have.

It is really important to take good care of your mind and body right now, check out our sections on sleep and making healthy choices for more advice.

Who can help?

For more advice about your changing body speak to one of our team. You can Call Us on 0300 029 50 50 or Text Us on 07520 649887 to start a conversation. **Monday to Friday 9.30am - 4.30pm excluding bank holidays**

Older children (aged 11-19) can ask advice from a school nurse by texting our confidential ChatHealth service on 07480 635 443.

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Delivering excellence in Children and Young People’s Services:
a partnership between Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust and
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust.
Funded by Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough City Council

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