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Red circle with Exclamation mark - Be Careful

While there are many useful things that can support you and your child living well with neurodiversity there are unfortunately a lot of recommendations out there that have little or no evidence of benefit and also at times can actually be harmful to your child. 

Please be aware of this and make sure that anything you read on the internet (even from trusted sources), is met with a high level of curiosity and concern. Please check with a health professional before considering starting any medication/intervention, even if it suggests that it might be a ‘natural remedy’.

Anything that suggests it is a ‘cure’ for neurodiversity should be avoided. Many people and many companies make a great deal of money exploiting families wishing the best for their children and we want to make sure you are not one of these families!

A few examples of these which should NOT be used to manage Autism/ADHD include:

X       Secretin
X        Chelation

      Hyperbaric oxygen therapy

It is also NOT recommended to use neurofeedback or auditory integration training to manage speech and language difficulties in children. 

Use of fatty acids/omega 3 has also NOT been shown to be effective in treatment of sleep for Autism, or management of ADHD symptoms

Diet is something that is often discussed and is detailed further within this pack, but a general rule is that an exclusion diet is NOT suitable for all children, but if you do notice that your child’s behaviour appears affected by certain foods/drinks, ask for a review by a dietician and they will be able to work with you to look at this more closely while ensuring your child still maintains a healthy balanced diet.

There are so many suggested treatments/remedies out there that it is really hard as a parent to know what is best to do, but please be careful out there (there are a lot of people out there not trying to do the best for your family!). And if in doubt – ask.

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How to use the Neurodiversity Support Pack

All the pages in this pack can be translated into your native language as text or audio via our Recite feature which you will find at the top of each page.  The translated page can also be downloaded.  More information about using our translation service can be found by clicking here.

 A jargon buster of commonly used words, phases or acronyms can be found by clicking on this button:  Links to help and support from other organisations can be found by clicking on this button:

The information on this page forms part of the Neurodiversity Support Pack. To go back to the main page click on this button:

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