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You make a Difference

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This DVD shows how our families and the people who work with us, help us with speaking, using our hands, and being able to do things like eating, dressing and playing. This gives us a good start that can help us through our lives.

Rolling over and being on my tummy makes me stronger. Placing toys out of reach makes me stretch and move.

[footage of children playing and learning]

It’s nice to see her play and interact with the toys. She doesn’t have much movement in her hands. It’s nice coming here and doing activities that encourage her to use her hands, being able to interact, and she is always so happy when she comes to Stargroup. She does a lot of the songs that she does here because she remembers them when we’re at home, so when we’re trying to roll and she sings the songs she tries to initiate rolling. Singing the songs at home with her siblings helps her initiate her movements.

Messy play, sound and light toys gives me a range of different sensory experiences.

[footage of children playing and learning]

I like using my hands to play with pop-up toys, puzzles and building blocks. This helps individual finger movements and developing ways of holding objects and using hands together.

[footage of children playing and learning]

 Drawing in sand, shaving foam, finger painting and colouring in helps me get ready for writing.

[footage of children playing and learning]

Pretend play develops skills such as eating and dressing.

[footage of children playing and learning]

Messy play with food and meal times allow children to explore different foods, textures and tastes.

[footage of children playing and learning]

Telling me what things are, what we are looking at and doing when we are having a meal, bathing and shopping helps me grow and learn. Turning TVs, phones and tablets off helps my child to concentrate, socialise and sleep better.

[footage of child cooking and eating with parents]

I love a story and all the voices you use. It helps my imagination and I learn new words and I understand what they mean.

[footage of children reading and being read to]

Being “face to face” with you helps me see your expressions and learn about new words.

[footage of children playing and learning]

I love it when we play together and take turns.

[footage of children playing and learning]

I love songs with actions and it helps me learn and remember words.

[footage of children singing]

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