What we do
The specialist nursing team co-ordinates, advises and supports children and their families, particularly in the areas of sleep, behaviours that may challenge and continence who access any service based at the Child Development Centre (CDC) and Union Street Clinic
The service is provided by a multi-skilled team of registered nurses, specialist nursery nurses and children’s support workers.
Where our service is based
Child Development Centre
Hill Rise
MK42 7EB
How to contact our service
For advice and support contact our health hub:
Bedfordshire & Luton Health HUB – Tel: 0300 555 0606
Monday – Friday (except bank holidays) 0900 - 5.00.
How to access the service
Please ask for a referral from one of the following:
- GP
- Paediatrician
- Health visitor
- Social Worker
- Specialist Nursing Teams
You can contact our Health HUB and ask for information from the Bedfordshire nurse led advice line.