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Praising Us

Help us thank our amazing staff

From the smallest gesture that made your day to something that you’ll remember for a lifetime ... let us know!
Whether it is someone involved in your care, someone that made a difference when you visited us, or perhaps you want to recognise a fellow colleague within the Trust, just fill in the nomination form and we’ll do the rest. 
Every month, our panel will choose one member of staff or a team as the ‘shine a light’ award winner.  

Teams will be presented with a voucher for £50 and individual winner's will receive £25.  We will also promote their story through our website and newsletters, along with a summary of everyone that was nominated.
Help us say ‘thank you’ - fill in the nomination form here or a hard copy of the form can be found here.

This award is an opportunity for patients, families, visitors and Trust colleagues to say ‘thank you – you made a difference’ to a member of staff for anything (however small!) that helped make their experience of our services better.  


Please find a list of previous winners below.

December 2022 Joint Winners Lucy Colley, Pete Reeve and Chris Morris

by Rachel Everett | Feb 09, 2023
This award is an opportunity for patients, families, visitors, and Trust colleagues to say ‘thank you – you made a difference’ to a member of staff or a team for anything (however small!) that helped make their experience of our services better.

We're delighted to announce that our December ‘Shine a Light’ joint winners are: 

Lucy Colley, FFT Administrator, Luton 
Lucy was nominated by a Sarah Munroe for picking up a vulnerable patient during a routine call. Sarah said, "Lucy was making her usual telephone calls gaining patient feedback when a patient told her she had been feeling very low in mood. Lucy asked me to contact the patient and the patient informed me that she had been feeling depressed for sometime and felt so relieved that Lucy noticed, I offered her some telephone numbers for counselling and mental health support, she was most grateful to Lucy for noticing and acting on her behalf."

What a lovely nomination, well done Lucy!

Pete Reeve, Service Director, Luton & Chris Morris, Head of Adult Services, Luton 
Pete and Chris were nominated by Sarah Munroe for their assistance to staff and patients during the recent inclement weather. Sarah said, "The Treatment Centre car park was horrendous following the snow and was a big problem, unable to get adequate support from estates Chris and Pete came to help, gritting and digging out the car park for our patients to be able to park and get to the building safely."

What a lovely nomination, well done Pete and Chris!

No other nominations this month.
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The staff are wonderful; the receptionists were polite and efficient, the nurses I have seen, were incredible.