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Praising Us

Help us thank our amazing staff

From the smallest gesture that made your day to something that you’ll remember for a lifetime ... let us know!
Whether it is someone involved in your care, someone that made a difference when you visited us, or perhaps you want to recognise a fellow colleague within the Trust, just fill in the nomination form and we’ll do the rest. 
Every month, our panel will choose one member of staff or a team as the ‘shine a light’ award winner.  

Teams will be presented with a voucher for £50 and individual winner's will receive £25.  We will also promote their story through our website and newsletters, along with a summary of everyone that was nominated.
Help us say ‘thank you’ - fill in the nomination form here or a hard copy of the form can be found here.

This award is an opportunity for patients, families, visitors and Trust colleagues to say ‘thank you – you made a difference’ to a member of staff for anything (however small!) that helped make their experience of our services better.  


Please find a list of previous winners below.

July Winner, Sarah Kilby, Patient Experience Advisor

by Rachel Everett | Jul 28, 2022

We are delighted to announce that our July ‘Shine a Light’ winner is:

Sarah Kilby, Patient Experience Advisor

Sarah was nominated by Lisa Wright, on behalf of a service user for going above and beyond the call of duty to talk to the service providers on behalf of the patient and achieving the seemingly impossible for him.

Liame said: “I was recently assisted by Sarah Kilby during a time of crisis. Not only did Sarah put me in touch with the services that I desperately needed, she went above and beyond the call of duty by talking to those service providers on my behalf and achieving the seemingly impossible. Not only did Sarah manage to arrange initial treatment, she has managed to secure ongoing treatment; something I desperately need and truly appreciate. She was by no means duty bound to help me, but she did anyway and I wanted to formally acknowledge how grateful I am to have spoken to her. In addition to this, Sarah also spoke to mental health services on my behalf; once again of her own volition. She did so in response to something I mentioned that raised concern. Once again, she was under no duty to do so but she did anyway, and that care and attention has led to me receiving assistance that I otherwise wouldn’t have. You should genuinely be proud to have Sarah as a member of your team and whatever position she might aspire towards, now or in the future, I’d seriously consider pencilling her in for it. The service needs more people like her.”

Other nominations this month:

Staff Member: Jackie Clingo
Nominated by: Deborah Myring
Jackie was suffering from an eye condition which made it very difficult to work, however Jackie worked through and was nominated for her work ethics and dependability. 

Staff Member: Amy Jackson
Nominated by: Leyla Prince
Leyla nominated Amy for the award for the support and compassion showed to the team at OZC during their closure. Amy's sensitivity was greatly appreciated by the team.

Staff Member: Richard Turner, Martin Prcychodny, Matthew Watt
Nominated by: Heather Bainton
The team of software engineers were nominated for the work they had undertaken to get the Healthy Child Programme set up with a set of digital questionnaires. The nominator stated they were "helpful, swift to respond and patient with our endless stream of changes".

Staff Member: Lisa Wright
Nominated by: Lucinda Kilby
Lisa was nominated for her dedication to resolving a long standing complaint within one of our services. Lucinda stated "Without Lisa I feel my resilience in coping with this particular case would be wearing thin. However, I now know I have the full support and take each event as it comes and deal with it collectively".

Staff Member: Louise Ivins and Helen Warner
Nominated by: June Short
This nomination was made for the dental nurse and administrator for their work in supporting a patient our of hours who was experiencing difficulties with their patient transport. Staying with the patient until they were able to be collected despite it being beyond their working hours.

Staff Member: iCaSH Norwich
Nominated by: Kimberley Amies
This was a nomination for the entire team for their combined efforts to reduce the LARC (Long-Acting Reversible Contraception) waiting list, which had seen a massive increase due to the Covid restrictions that had previously been put in place. 

Staff Member: Karen Poloka
Nominated by: Sarah Murfitt
Karen was nominate for the award by Sarah for the incredibly high standards she works to in order to support young people, their families and other service users, doing all this while remaining hugely empathetic is a fantastic skill to have. Describing Karen, Sarah said, "she is a pleasure to work with and support to us all."

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The staff are wonderful; the receptionists were polite and efficient, the nurses I have seen, were incredible.