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Accessible Information Standard

The Accessible Information Standard became Law in 2016 and as a Trust we have worked hard to ensure that our staff are equipped with everything they need to successfully meet the varied needs of our service users and carers.

What is the Accessible Information Standard?

The Accessible Information Standard was published by NHS England in July 2015. It applies to all NHS and public funded adult social care and ensures that all service users and carers are provided with information they can access and understand, and are supported to communicate effectively.  

Who does the Standard apply to?

The standard is particularly relevant (but not limited to) people:

  • who are blind or have some visual loss
  • who are deaf or have some hearing loss
  • who are deafblind
  • with a learning disability
  • with communication disabilities (aphasia, autism, mental health condition affecting ability to communicate)

What is accessible information?

Information which is able to be read, received and understood by the individual or group for which it is intended. For people with an accessible information need, information is provided in an alternative to standard printed or handwritten English, for example large print, braille or email.

What is communication support?

The support that a service user or carer needs to best communicate with a staff member. This may mean the use of equipment or staff changing their behaviour to enable effective communication. Where appropriate, other communication professionals such as British Sign Language interpreters and deafblind manual interpreters could be involved.

What does the standard mean for Trust service users and their carers?

Service users and carers will be asked two questions at the first contact with our services, to determine whether they have any accessible information or communication support needs. If the answer to either of these questions is yes, then further questions will be asked to get more details. This will be recorded in the service users clinical record.

For more information about the Accessible Information Standard, visit NHS England’s webpage dedicated to the Standard:

We've also been working with DisabledGo to create access guides for our main sites. Find out miore by clicking on the image below.

Access guide tile

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The staff are wonderful; the receptionists were polite and efficient, the nurses I have seen, were incredible.