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PALS (Patient Advice and Liaison Service)

Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust does not provide services for, or manage:

Day Surgery at Princess of Wales Hospital, Ely please contact Cambridge University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (CUH) on 01223 216756 or

Minor Injuries Unit at Princess of Wales Hospital, Ely please contact Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust (CPFT) on 0800 376 0775 or


Brookfield’s Rehabilitation ward (inpatients), Cambridge please contact Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust (CPFT) on 0800 376 0775 or


Our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) support patients, their families, carers and our staff by:

  • listening to your queries and concerns in confidence
  • giving you information and advice about local health services 
  • finding solutions to any problems you may be having, as quickly as possible 
  • directing you to other sources of help 
  • advising you how to make a formal complaint
  • ensuring that your comments, concerns and compliments are heard and used to improve the Trust’s services. 

If something is troubling you:

Step 1: Try raising the concern with the person providing your care in the first instance.

Step 2: If you have tried this and you feel that they were unable to help you, or you don’t feel able to discuss your concerns direct with the person involved, then contact PALS who can raise your concerns on your behalf.

Step 3: If you still feel dissatisfied and you wish to make a complaint, PALS can give you information about the  complaints procedure.

PALS contact details  
To write to our PALS team, you only need to include the line below on your envelope.  No other address details are required.

Patient Advice and Liaison service
Units 7/8, Meadow Park
Meadow Lane
St Ives
Cambs, PE27 4LG

Tel: 0300 131 1000  (300/03 numbers are part of a customers “free minutes” package and any other call cost reduction packages.)


Please be aware you may need to copy and paste this address into an email.


  • Advocacy

  • Compliments and Complaints

  • Q&A

  • Your Feedback

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0276 - PALS Easy Read - February 2023PDF1.41 MB03 Feb, 2023 Download
0253 - Your data, your rightsPDF1.11 MB25 Mar, 2015 Download
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Compliments and complaints
Patient Experience
The staff are wonderful; the receptionists were polite and efficient, the nurses I have seen, were incredible.