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Praising Us

Help us thank our amazing staff

From the smallest gesture that made your day to something that you’ll remember for a lifetime ... let us know!
Whether it is someone involved in your care, someone that made a difference when you visited us, or perhaps you want to recognise a fellow colleague within the Trust, just fill in the nomination form and we’ll do the rest. 
Every month, our panel will choose one member of staff or a team as the ‘shine a light’ award winner.  

Teams will be presented with a voucher for £50 and individual winner's will receive £25.  We will also promote their story through our website and newsletters, along with a summary of everyone that was nominated.
Help us say ‘thank you’ - fill in the nomination form here

This award is an opportunity for patients, families, visitors and Trust colleagues to say ‘thank you – you made a difference’ to a member of staff for anything (however small!) that helped make their experience of our services better.  


Please find a list of previous winners below.

August 2019 - Klaire Stanley, Family Public Health Nurse, Norfolk HCP East Locality (Transition Team)

by Kirstie Flack | Aug 29, 2019

This award is an opportunity for patients, families, visitors and Trust colleagues to say ‘thank you – you made a difference’ to a member of staff or a team for anything (however small!) that helped make their experience of our services better.

The winner for August 2019 is:

Klaire Stanley, Family Public Health Nurse, Norfolk HCP East Locality (Transition Team) Klaire Stanley edit

As part of the redesigned Norfolk HCP 5-19 offer the role in transition has been developed, especially around supporting the transition of their year 6 pupils in the schools with most identified need. Sarah Archibald nominated Klaire who has led on this in the East locality and by sharing her passion to improve outcomes for children and young people has inspired her team to take this work forward. Klaire has reliably attended the project group meetings to get this up and running and has put herself out on occasions to make sure she attends.

Sarah said: “Within the team Klaire has been the driving force to plan, organise and implement these sessions with a great deal of success. She has done this calmly and efficiently despite having the demands of a caseload with a high level of need and safeguarding concerns. She also identified that for some of the team a classroom based session was new and out of their comfort zone so she organised a team training session which was opened out to the wider locality. She has been a real champion for public health work and the need to contribute proactively and support the early intervention agenda.

“She is very modest about her role and always fully acknowledges the strong support of the team members who have contributed hugely to this work too (Rebecca Walsh, Karen Ablitt and Kelli Payne). This has been a great example of working in new ways and strong team working which has been a very positive experience for those involved.”

Well done Klaire, wonderful feedback!

Also nominated this month:

Lauren Best, Health Care Support Worker, Children's Continuing Care, Cambridgeshire

Lauren was nominated by Charlotte Wiggins for going above and beyond for the past few weeks! Charlotte said: “It has been really appreciated by the whole team.”

Geraldine Dooley, Administration Assistant, 0-19 Admin Team Luton.

Gerry was nominated by Jane Paris for supporting the 0-19 team by completing a piece of work without being asked. Instead of expecting other staff to manage, she felt she had capacity. Jane said: “The result allowed important information to be reported back to commissioners in a timely way. Therefore allowing the hard work of the team to be recognised appropriately.” 

Caroline (Fran) Long, Health Visitor, Huntingdon HCP

Michelle McKenzie nominated Fran after receiving feedback from a mum at the Sawtry Clinic, which she was attending following support from Fran. The mother said: “I attended the child health clinic today as a result of my Health Visitor, Fran Long, encouraging me that I could do this. I have been suffering with low mood since the birth of my baby and have not felt like leaving the house especially for clinic. Fran has been visiting me at home to reassure me and to let me know its ok to feel this way. I don't think I could have come out today without Fran visiting me at home first and believing in me. I think the HV service is brilliant and so supportive thank you.”

Jennifer Service, HR Administrator, Human Resources, Luton

Jennifer was nominated by Faiza Choglay for being very supportive especially at the busiest of times, in particular when she has been in the office on her own. Faiza said: “She has been exceptional, patient and professional in the way she has supported and sign posted staff as necessary. Thank you Jen for your hard work over the last few months and for always doing it with a smile.”

Congratulations to everyone nominated this month!

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The staff are wonderful; the receptionists were polite and efficient, the nurses I have seen, were incredible.