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What do our volunteers say?

We are so grateful to all of our amazing volunteers!

Our recent volunteer survey asked volunteers to tell us three words which summed up their experience of volunteering. This word cloud captures what they said:


Annual Volunteer Survey What Three Words CCS Colours

Here are some of our volunteers talking about their experience of volunteering with CCS.

Vicky, Community Ambassador Volunteer

“Once I became a volunteer it was good to meet other volunteers and also to meet with the health professionals that work for the service I’m involved with. They supported me to learn how to offer volunteer support. They were so friendly, I really feel like one of the team when I’m with them.”

Click here to find out what inspired Vicky to become a Community Ambassador volunteer for our Ask Norfolk Parents online forum.

Vicky, Community Ambassador Volunteer for the Ask Norfolk Parents online forum, Norfolk

Luton Children&Adults - JPG

"I love the connection with people, I feel part of the team now and it's just like going to work with lots of advantages. It's given me a sense of purpose and I feel like I am giving something back."

Click here to find out why Caroline highly recommends volunteering.

Caroline, Diabetes Education Volunteer, Luton


Hannah, Breastfeeding Buddy Volunteer“Inspired by the support I received, I wanted to help other mothers build their own "village," so I began volunteering”

Click here to find out about Hannah’s positive experience being a breastfeeding buddy.

Hannah, Breastfeeding Buddy, Bedfordshire and Luton



Steph, Breastfeeding Buddy Volunteer

“I honestly really enjoy every session I volunteer. I love the warm and fuzzy feeling of helping parents with their babies, knowing you've made a difference to that family and their lives."

Click here to find out why Stephanie really enjoys her role as a breastfeeding buddy.

Stephanie, Breastfeeding Brasserie Buddy Peer Supporter, Bedfordshire and Luton 


Leah, Diabetes Education Volunteer

"My day of volunteering is the most exciting time of every week. Doing good for others and the community provides me with a natural sense of accomplishment. The social contact aspect of helping and working with others gives me a profound effect on my overall psychological well-being. Knowing that every call I make to book a person on the DESMOND education program will make a difference to them is amazing."

Leah, Diabetes Education Volunteer, Luton


Bree, Community Ambassador Volunteer (Ask Norfolk Parents)

“I love being a volunteer as I get to support families with real life enquiries, I also get to learn different parenting skills from others. This role also gives me training support where needed and opportunities to be on a panel as a service user for interviewing, allowing our voice to be heard."

Bree, Community Ambassador Volunteer for the Ask Norfolk Parents online forum


Gosia, Breastfeeding Buddy Volunteer


Volunteering brings in meaningful contribution to the future generations' health and wellbeing."

Gosia, Bedfordshire Breastfeeding Buddy Volunteer



"Volunteering Makes My Heart Sing!Carol, Reception/Welcomer Volunteer
I love volunteering at POW - all the staff are so friendly and make me feel part of the team. After giving up work to be there for my parents, I have missed being part of a team and seeing my colleagues. Volunteering has given me back a broader outlook and I look forward to going in to see the team and helping the patients and staff. I would definitely recommend becoming a volunteer as it is so rewarding and definitely puts a spring in my step."

Carol, Reception/Welcomer Volunteer at Princess of Wales Hospital, Ely


Paula, SLT Volunteer"After many years working in Early Years, I wanted to explore the idea of furthering my knowledge to help young children with educational needs. I volunteer with the therapists at universal sessions in the community, guiding families of young children, to gain support with their speech language and communication needs. The role fits round my spare time and it feels great to support families and the team who provide such a needed service."

Paula, Speech & Language Therapy Volunteer



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The staff are wonderful; the receptionists were polite and efficient, the nurses I have seen, were incredible.