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Praising Us

Help us thank our amazing staff

From the smallest gesture that made your day to something that you’ll remember for a lifetime ... let us know!
Whether it is someone involved in your care, someone that made a difference when you visited us, or perhaps you want to recognise a fellow colleague within the Trust, just fill in the nomination form and we’ll do the rest. 
Every month, our panel will choose one member of staff or a team as the ‘shine a light’ award winner.  

Teams will be presented with a voucher for £50 and individual winner's will receive £25.  We will also promote their story through our website and newsletters, along with a summary of everyone that was nominated.
Help us say ‘thank you’ - fill in the nomination form here or a hard copy of the form can be found here.

This award is an opportunity for patients, families, visitors and Trust colleagues to say ‘thank you – you made a difference’ to a member of staff for anything (however small!) that helped make their experience of our services better.  


Please find a list of previous winners below.

August Shine A Light Winner - Helen Owen

by Rachel Everett | Oct 02, 2023

This award is an opportunity for patients, families, visitors, and Trust colleagues to say ‘thank you – you made a difference’ to a member of staff or a team for anything (however small!) that helped make their experience of our services better.

Matthew Winn presenting Helen Owen with her Shine a Light awardWe're delighted to announce that our August ‘Shine a Light’ winner is: Helen Owen

Helen was nominated by Hayley Bradshaw for the focus and passion she shows towards improving the lives of patients with long term lung conditions. Helen was involved in setting up a singing group to support the lung health group. Singing is not only a fun activity but has been proven to improve the quality of life for people living with chronic lung disease. 

Other nominations this month:

Trisica Thompson, Cancer Nurse

Trisica was nominated by Ellen Godfrey in recognition of her exceptional dedication and selflessness in supporting cancer teams. Ellen stated "Triscia's unwavering commitment to her colleagues and the patients we serve is truly remarkable and deserves the highest recognition".

Bedford 5-19 team, School Nursing

The Bedford 5-19 team were nominated by their student, Beth Soman. Beth wanted to acknowledge the way the team had welcomed her and supported her with all aspects of her learning. Beth said "I have not been made to feel like anything other than a full member of the team and never pushed to do anything I was not happy to do. I have learnt and continue to learn so much from this clear and most amazing team. Thank you all of you!".

Maria Chambers, Recruitment coordinator
Rachael Bridgman nominated Maria for the way she supported a colleague who was relocating. Maria went above and beyond to help with moving house and finding school places for the children. Rachael said "This is just one example of how Maria is always really helpful".

Nicola Robinson,  Assistant practitioner

Sharon Duneclift nominated Nicola for the award for the way she had supported the Babybreath research trial in Norfolk stating "Nicola has done this with passion and enthusiasm on top of her role as assistant practitioner".

Annamaria Vayer, Ranjeeta Bohara and Janet Cole, Rapid response night team

Petrina Kaye nominated the team for the calm manner that they dealt with aa recent emergency situation at one of the Trust properties. Petrina said "they should all be very proud of themselves".

Cynthia Yates, Health Visitor
Recently Cynthia was beginning her community visits and came across an elderly gentleman who had fallen from his scooter. Cynthia moved the gentleman to safety, called an ambulance and remained with him for reassurance. Cynthia also orchestrated care for him until the ambulance arrive. Jo Smith, who nominated Cynthia said "This is not the usual day in the life of a health visitor but just goes to show how care and compassion are always there if needed!".

Amanda Freeman, Speech and language therapy assistant

Amanda was recognised by a parent for the work she had undertaken with her child. The feedback reads "Thank you so much. I just wanted to say that I have met a lot of professionals with my journey with Hattie, including a lot of speech and language specialists and you are truly one of the most knowledgeable, helpful and understanding professionals we have seen". 


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The staff are wonderful; the receptionists were polite and efficient, the nurses I have seen, were incredible.