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Staying well in older age, Luton

Luton adults' services work hard every day to help older people in our local community stay well for longer. This involves working with other health and care professionals through our 'Enhanced Collaborative Models of Care' project, using data to proactively reach out to frail older patients, and also providing information that will help patients, families and carers to better manage their health. 

You can learn more about the project here. 

Resources for patients, families and carers

Stay well in winter

Older people and those with long term health conditions can be at risk of illness or exacerbation during the colder months. Follow these top tips to stay healthy and at home:

  • Get your free flu vaccine at the GP.
  • Drink plenty of fluids each day to stay hydrated.
  • Keep active – try not to sit still for longer than an hour at a time.
  • Wear many thin layers of clothes to stay warm.
  • Heat your home to at least 18°C to stay warm and healthy.
  • Ask a health professional for help when you feel ill, don’t wait.

Stay well in winter patient flyer, 2019

NHS stay well this winter webpage

Prevent falls

  • Look after your feet: share any foot problems or pain with your GP. Wear well-fitted shoes and slippers to stay steady.
  • Check your eyes and hearing: eye tests are free for over 60s and your GP can refer you for a hearing test
  • Check your home for hazards: a well lit home, without loose wires, clutter or carpets can keep you safe.
  • Talk to a carer or healthcare professional: if you’re worried about falling - they can help you with these tips.

Preventing falls poster, 2019

Exercises for older people, NHS

Luton council's falls resources

Age UK resources - avoiding a fall

>>Find out more about our falls team

Look after your lungs

  • Stop smoking to breathe more easily, have more energy and live longer.
  • Avoid dust, smoke, pollen, pollution and extreme weather, which can all impact your breathing. Check before you travel.
  • Get a flu jab every year. 
  • Visit your GP if you have a cough that’s not going away, wheeziness or shortness of breath. 
  • Take an online breath test to understand your risk of lung disease - visit 
  • If you have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), learn how to recognise your symptoms and take the appropriate action to manage your condition. This flyer will help you get started. 

Look after your lungs poster, 2019

COPD, know your symptoms leaflet, 2019

British Lung Foundation 

Check air pollution levels where you live

Check the pollen count where you live

Check the weather where you live

>>Find out more about our respiratory team

Resources for professionals

Working together across health and social care helps us do the best for our patients. 

We also invite you to use any of the materials listed above with your patients as you see fit. 

For GPs

  • Remember you can contact all adults' community services (apart from GP liaison and Luton Treatment Centre) on 0333 405 3000. 
  • Get to know how community teams align with your Primary Care Network and surgery: Primary Care Network Alignment - Luton adults 08.19
  • Talk to your At Home First co-ordinator if you would like to raise a patient over 65 to the daily huddle or weekly MDT for discussion. 
  • If you're worried about a patient today, call rapid response on 0333 405 3000 and they will escalate as needed. 

For other health and care professionals

  • If you would like to attend or bring a patient/client to the daily huddle or weekly MDT, please call us on  0333 405 3000. 
  • If you're worried about a patient today, you can also call rapid response on 0333 405 3000 and they will escalate as needed. 

Why it's worth working together - a patient's view


Stay well in a heatwave

Older people or those with long term health conditions can struggle in the heat. 

Stay well by following these top tips:

  • Drink plenty of water and fluids to stay hydrated, at least 6-8 cups per day
  • Stay out of the sun at peak times, and cover up with clothing, hats and sun cream if you do go out
  • Have cool baths or showers, and splash yourself with cool water.
  • Listen to alerts on the radio, TV and social media about keeping cool.
  • Stock up on any food or medications you may need at home. 
  • Ask a health professional for help when you feel ill, don’t wait.

Staying well in a heatwave patient leaflet, 2019

NHS heatwave information page


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