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Additional needs


Some children and young people experience different health concerns (sometimes resulting in a diagnosis) which can have a significant impact on their childhood experience. This can be a very worrying and scary time for you and your child.

Your child or young person should have all the same opportunities as their friends. If your child has medical health needs, they can sometimes worry about this and wonder how their care will continue while in school. You may also have concerns.

What you can do

If your child has an additional need, it can help the local authority to know that your child may need further support when they are in school. A health professional who is supporting your family can let the local authority know about your child's needs from an early age. You can also find out more about what your local authority offers below:

Special educational needs and disability offer – Central Bedfordshire

Bedford Borough SEND team

It can also be helpful to:

  • Speak to the school or nursery they are attending
  • Speak to the health professional who is leading your child’s care
  • Write down what you do to support your child each day. This can help form a plan which highlights areas where your child needs assistance whilst at their nursery, preschool or school.

Who can help?

Child development: local contacts

  • Luton

    Call our Health HUB 0300 555 0606 (from 9-5) and ask for a duty health visitor.

    Parentline - 07507 331886

    You can also consider free online Solihull approach training, which is designed to help you recognise emotions in yourself and your child that bring changes in behaviour, the learning is split into three sections: understanding pregnancy, labour, birth and your baby, understanding your baby and understanding your child.

  • Bedfordshire

    If you’re worried about your child’s development, call our Health HUB on 0300 555 0606 and ask for a health visitor or text a health visitor via Parentline on 07507 331456. You can also find out more about your child's schedule of development reviews here. 

    For young people with additional needs aged 11-19, our school nursing team is available to give confidential advice via text on ChatHealth, simply send a message to 07507 331450.

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