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Take the breastfeeding support pledge

Breastfeeding pledge snapshot
Please take the pledge below to show that your business, venue or organisation is ready and willing to clearly support breastfeeding mothers. We will get back in touch with you to share campaign materials, so make sure to leave your contact details. You can also download a poster for the pledge here. 

Pledge form:

We, the undersigned, are actively supporting mothers’ right to breastfeed when out and about. On behalf of our organisation I pledge that we will:
  • Hold a staff awareness session to help all staff members understand and support breastfeeding mums.
  • Respect a breastfeeding mother’s legal rights under the Equality Act 2010, to breastfeed in public without being discriminated against, which includes being asked to move or cover up.
  •  Respond sensitively and support mothers if inappropriate comments are made about breastfeeding.
  • Provide a clean and comfortable environment to breastfeed in and also, if possible, a more private area as toilet/changing facilities are not appropriate.
  • Offer breastfeeding mums a glass of water without charge.
  • Where possible, staff members will offer to take food and drink orders over to breastfeeding mums so they don’t have to interrupt their baby’s feed.
  • Display the breastfeeding friendly window sticker so families can recognise the venue as being part of the campaign.
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