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Bedfordshire children's services


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NDD Pathway - click on the links for information about the Neurodevelopmental Assessment Pathway for your child in your area.

BLMK - Beds, Luton and Milton Keynes Integrated Care System

Local services can provide better and more joined up care for patients when different organisations work together in this way.  Find out more here:

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Latest News

Sothius Lodge raises £1,250 for our charity Dreamdrops

by Kirstie Flack | Jul 23, 2021

Mike Nixon, Mark Bramley, Anne-Marie Hamilton and George Cox (23 July 2021)A kind donation of £1,250 was given to Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust’s charity, Dreamdrops, after being nominated by Mark Bramley, as one of his chosen charities of the year.

The cheque was presented by Mark Bramley, Worshipful Master, Sothius Lodge, St Ives, who said: “During my year as Master of Sothius Lodge, Dreamdrops was one of my chosen charities.  We raised funds by way of three raffles held after our business meetings and at our annual BBQ.

“We wanted to make a difference and help provide those little extras to children both in hospital and in the community and to help Dreamdrops continue with the wonderful work they do for local children.”

Anne-Marie Hamilton, Chairman of Dreamdrops said: “We are truly grateful to Mark Bramley and the Sothius Lodge for their wonderful donation.

“The money raised will be donated to children being cared for in the local community, Holly Ward and the Paediatrics unit at Hinchingbrooke Hospital.  We cannot thank them enough for their support and this donation will help make a stay in hospital that little bit easier and provide much needed support for children being nursed at home.”

For more information about dreamdrops, or to make a donation, please call, visit or email:

Photo: Left to right: Mike Nixon, Charity Steward, Sothius Lodge, Mark Bramley, Worshipful Master, Sothius Lodge, Anne-Marie Hamilton, Chairman of Dreamdrops and Gordon Cox, Lodge Almoner.

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